Q: “My dog can’t sit still or be off a leash. Will this still work for my dog?”

Have no fear! I hear this a lot, and let me tell you… I PREFER YOUR DOG ON A LEASH! No need to unleash literally because safety is paramount. Of course, sometimes unleashing the wild beast within your furry friend is totally okay - running shots, candid shots, and even portraits. However, this would only happen if our location & your dog allows. EITHER WAY, we will still get ‘Head Tilting’ wall art that exudes your dog’s legendary personality.
Q: “Is my dog too rambunctious, feisty, scared, nervous, spunky, energetic, etc.?”

I completely understand where you are coming from with your dog’s unique personality. BG PhoDOGraphy prides itself on its ability to work with any animal with any temperament. First, safety for your dog is paramount. We will never do something your dog does NOT want to do. Having been the night time manager for a rescue for medical and behavioral needs dogs for 6 years, I have experienced all types of personalities, phobias, quirks, and temperaments. Before the session starts, I work with your dog to get them used to me, my camera, and the rest of my equipment.
This leads me to the second part of my answer - my equipment allows me to achieve memorable moments at incredible speeds from varying distances. If your dog requires their space - that is PAWFECTLY OKAY! I can dawn my 70-200mm lens and give your pup
plenty of room! If your dog wants to WIGGLE and NEVER STOP - That’s okay too!!! I will change my camera settings to capture you doing at 1/1000 of a second OR FASTER!
ALL dogs deserve to have their legends told - quirky personality & all!
Q: “Can I be in a photo or with my dog?”

Part of your dog’s legend is YOU! So, even though this is a photoshoot for your best friend, you can definitely get into some of the photos!
*Please note: if you choose to do this, I can’t edit you to look any different, so please come prepped and pampered like your dog.
Q: “What if my dog is older and can’t move as much or is sick?”

First off, frosted faces are the best, and I hope they are doing well. However, if lots of movement or getting tired easily happen, that is completely fine. Our adventure and location choice will be tailored to them. With the 2 hours booked, we can take lots of breaks to give your dog the time and space they need to relax. If your dog is very sick, we can reschedule for a later date when they feel better; Or, if we need, we can get you scheduled ASAP so there will no missed memories.
Q: “Can my dog wear a costume/outfit?”

ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY! Those photos are SO fun, and if that is something your best friend wears often and you know them as wearing outfits and costumes… LET’S DO IT! If it isn’t their norm, but you love the way they look…LET’S STILL DO IT! We can do a few photos with the epic apparel and then some without!
Q: “What should I bring?”

Collars and leash (regular and decorative)
Favorite toy(s)
Favorite treats (I’ll have some too!)
A towel for you & your dog - We could get WET!
Water & water bowl
Comfortable shoes & clothing for our adventure!
(Note: If you want to be photographed, please come prepared clothing and grooming-wise)
Q: “What if the weather is terrible on the day of our shoot?”

Well, pooper scooper! If this happens, don’t fret because when you book and pay for your reservation for a Legend Session, you get TWO dates reserved for this reason. If the first date ends up being poor weather, we will have the session on the second date. So don’t worry, sit back, have a banana sandwich, and get ready for our adventure - CAUSE IT’S GONNA HAPPEN!​
Q: “What do I get with the $500.00 reservation fee?”

With the $500 fee, not only do you get a custom Legend session for 2.5-hours of reserved time; 100% of that reservation fee turns into credit for either "Head Tilting Wall Art" or any "Stinky Puppy 'Pack'age!"
To see all products and pricing, please email us for the Product & Pricing Guide!